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  • Writer's picturesydneywren3

Damage of Sugar

Sugar is addicting, and most of us are eating much more sugar a day than we need. Sugar affects all parts of our body. I wanted to share with you the damage it has on specific parts of our body. First off, your heart. Excess sugar provides extra insulin in your bloodstream. This will have a negative affect on your arteries throughout your body, and lead to more stress put on your heart over time. This can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, and many more life long problems. Lowering your intake of sugar can help reduce your blood pressure and major risk factors. Next, your brain. You may notice that when you eat sugary foods you experience a quick surge of a feel-good sensation. This is from dopamine, and explains why you crave candy. You want that feeling. Unfortunately, this sensation doesn’t last forever, and is addicting. Whole foods like fruit and veggies don’t release as much dopamine, and explain why you wouldn't crave them late at night. Next, your mood. Correlated to your brain, sugar gives you a quick burst of energy… a sugar high. While you may be at a high, it will drop real fast and leave you anxious or jittery. If you are consuming too much sugar regularly, you may start to feel a  mid day slump, which also relates to a greater risk of depression. You probably already know this, but sugar has a huge impact on your body weight. The more sugar you consume, the more weight you will gain. It is also proven that people who drink more sugary drinks will be at a higher risk for diabetes. Also excess sugar can inflame fat cells and cause them to release chemicals that increase your weight. These were just a few prime examples, but I think it makes it clear that you should watch your sugar intake throughout the day. Remember, everything in moderation!

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